LUCKNOW:Waking up from a long spell of dullness, the real estate market in Lucknow city showed clear signs of recovery with the Stamps and Registrations department recording a growth rate of 72 per cent in revenue till Jan this year against the 41 per cent growth rate for the corresponding period during last financial year (CPLY). The office of the district registrar realised Rs 223 crore in terms of registration fee and various taxes against the target of Rs 298 crore as on Jan 31 for the current fiscal. The real estate market in Lucknow hit rock bottom during the past couple of years due to agitations against state bifurcation, followed by elections and other uncertainties in the state, leaving investors hesitant to purchase plots and flats in Lucknow and other parts of the state. However, the improvement of the political atmosphere and a stable administration now, coupled with the hype over the development of the Heritage City into a smart city helped in the revival of the...