When we say #Luxury , most people connect to things which are very expensive and hard to afford. However actually that's not true all the time. Let's look at one famous quotes on Luxury. "Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not, It is the opposite of Vulgarity." Lets look at the top 10 features of Lucknows most famous and desirable #Luxurious Group Housing project # ORANJE CASTLE which Located at very prime location at #Shaheedpath opp #Ekana International cricket stadium. To understand the word Luxury in a simple language. # Unique - Oranje Castle is on of its kind residential project having European Stlye Castle Structure, standing tall and above all. It's Exterior view is just so mesmerizing and glittering like a #Gem when you watch it from a distance # Tailored - this is one of the key feature when its come to sheer luxury a detailed customisable product as per your choice. Similarly Oranje Castle gives you the #Luxury with a variety ...