Now a days #Technology plays an essential role at all the aspects of life from buying a vegetable to most high tech gadgets & accessories. Hence, #Real #Estate being the most Important & expensive of all of them needed the most #advanced & #user #friendly #technology platform for Real Estate #Industry in #India.
P.M. Mr. Narendra Modi has a vision to provide home to all by 2022, means over 200 million new homes under government schemes all across India. And a new #realestate #bill will play an major role to the indusrty.
Now through #technology we can solve many #issues slowing down the #industry & #economy of India. There are many company's in #India like , +CommonFloor , +Realty Redefined and many others working hard and putting millions of dollar just to help people like #buyer #Investor #Builder #Broker #agent #realtor whom so ever is related to the #real #estate #industry.
More then 80% lead generation happens through online portals more the 42% end user start their home search online in India. With the high competition and high Client expectations we need #technology support to #Grow through the market not just go through the market.
Now its being #Realtor whether we are #Builder #Brokers #Agents #Sellers #Buyers #Investors it our responsibility to support them by all means & help the Industry to grow in India. Its a high time time to educate our self in terms of technology and to have a competitive edge in the market.
Through #Technology we can organize the Industry and get more transparency. As in average more then 70% #realestate #transactions in #India have some or the other issues. Maximum No. of #court #cases filed in India are related to #realesate. every month atlesat 10000 FIR get filed in india in Real Estate where are we going wrong.
Through #Technology we eliminate the key issues and make real estate as most #prefer profession ans Industry in India. So lets Join together and make Real Estate -#Grow #Advanced #transparent #organised #reputed +Money Bricks in India.
We +Money Bricks will ensure to teach & educate all the #Builders #Sellers #Brokers #Agents #Realtor in #Lucknow #uttar pradesh #NCR to get an competitive edge in order to provide world class service to all their clients.
Looking forward to an extended support from all to help us helping others.
For Partnering call or mail us.
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